What to expect:

During a typical coaching session, I will:

  • Ask thought-provoking questions that encourage self-reflection,

  • Help you envision the future you want,

  • Set SMART goals to help you accomplish new behaviors,

  • Challenge you to reach new heights you didn’t know were possible,

  • Hold you accountable for self-sabotaging behaviors,

  • Identify obstacles that keep you from growing,

  • Encourage and support you along the way,

  • Celebrate with you when you SUCCEED!

Christian Life Coaching is a faith-based partnership between you and a trained professional who understands the challenges you face and shares your commitment to living a life rooted in Christ. With a focus on your spiritual growth, personal development, and aligning your life with God's Word, this powerful coaching method will propel you forward on your journey of faith and purpose.

Christian Coaching specifically, can help you make decisions about how to use your time, examine your values, and build new, healthier habits (like regularly reading the Bible) that lead to a more rested and fulfilled life.

To be honest, coaching can be challenging work, and it requires dedicated time and commitment to make lasting change in your life.

What’s the difference between Coaching and Counseling?

Christian Coaching and Counseling are two distinct approaches that aim to support individuals in their personal and spiritual growth. While they share some similarities, they have different focuses and methodologies. Here's a breakdown of their key differences:

Christian Coaching

  • Focuses on helping individuals set and achieve personal, professional and spiritual goals.

  • Emphasizes forward movement such as discovering and aligning your behavior with God's purposes for your life.

  • Empowers clients through a collaborative process, using powerful questions, guidance, and accountability to facilitate growth and transformation.

  • Coaching is present and future focused, helping the client envision a desired future or outcome.

  • Coaching offers support and accountabiliby toward the attaintment of a specific goal or desired set of behaviors (new habits for example).

  • Coaching aims to facilitate personal growth, spiritual development, and goal attainment.

Christian Counseling

  • The focus is on restoring general emotional well-being, and nurturing healthy relationships.

  • Caters to individuals who are struggling with more significant emotional or psychological challenges such as depression, anxiety, addiction, trauma, or relational issues.

  • Utilizes a therapeuric approach, delving into the client's past experiences, emotions, and thought patterns. Counselors and therapists use various techniques to explore root causes of distress, facilitate healing, and promote mental and emotional well-being.

  • Christian counseling sessions may involve in-depth exploration, regular therapeutic sessions, and longer-term engagement to address underlying issues and facilitate healing.

Both Christian Coaching and Christian Counseling have their unique strengths and purposes.

Depending on your specific needs, one or both approaches may be beneficial in your journey towards holistic well-being and spiritual development.

It's important to note that while coaches and counselors may incorporate Christian faith and principles into their practice, they should have the necessary professional qualifications and expertise in their respective fields.

Always seek out trained professionals who align with your values and can provide the specific support you require.